Transforming your space from cluttered, unorganized, and overwhelming to a place you find peace, order, and contentment.
We help you find serenity in style.
Amy Davis - Founder
Being truly present is the best gift we can give to the ones we love, and unfortunately, in today's society, distractions tend to take us away from what we value the most. When we have fewer visual distractions, our mind naturally becomes more focused on what truly matters. By intentionally clearing our lives of physical clutter and designing an orderly space, we create a sense of pride and accomplishment in ourselves, which then permeates into so many other aspects of our lives.
I know from experience in my own home with active sons how eliminating excess and creating systems for my family has lessened my anxiety and overall sense of calm (well, as calm as is possible with 3 boys!)
LESS was born out of the desire to help others find serenity in their surroundings. Our goal is not to create perfection, but more about learning how to get (and stay) organized by implementing proven, tried and true systems... all the while doing it in fabulous style!
One of my greatest joys is seeing my clients find the freedom that comes from creating a peaceful home with thoughtful intention and ultimately providing them LESS STRESS and MORE LIVING!
“The LESS Process” is something we use on every single job we do to create an organizational system that works for you and your space . It’s simple, and it works!
The first step of the process is pairing like items with other like items. This makes it easier to see exactly what you have. It also becomes much less overwhelming for you to make decisions on what to keep and what to let go of.
The next step is to get rid of anything that is not needed, aka the purging process. This is the most important step in the process! Have no fear, we won’t force you to throw anything away! We will just give you guidance and help you through the process.
The third step involves creating a personalized system that works for you. This system is unique to your space and makes your space function at its highest potential. Setting up the right organizational system will set you up for success in the future, making it easy for you to keep things in order.
The final step involves giving your space style. We make your space not only functional but stylish too! We believe when you take pride in a beautiful space, it encourages you to keep it that way!